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Hey There,
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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post by -JaMMiT- Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:27 am

• Stay on topic.
This kind of ties with the spam rule, but basically this is self explanatory. For example, if you posted in a topic called “Dogs”, you must incorporate something about dogs in your post, not about the peanut butter sandwich you ate two years ago. Now, you can talk about that sandwich as long as it incorporates dogs in the story.
• No double posting.
Double posting means you may not post right after a post you just made in a specific thread (a thread is the same as a topic). You must wait for someone else to reply before you can make another post.
• No word posts.
Word posts are posts that are one word long. If your post is less than the minimum of two words, please make it longer. No excuses.
• No Bumping.
Bumping is when you post on a topic that is old. If you post in a topic that is older than a month, you will be warned or infracted depending on how many rules you have broken in the past.
Even though this was covered in the SPAM acronym, this is a rule we will enforce much more. If the post does not benefit the topic in any way, please do not post it! An example of a pointless post is this.
User 1: Someone, please enlarge this picture for me. Thanks!
User 2: Sorry, I don't know how.

If any of us staff see that, you will be given a warning and infracted for every time after.

2. No advertising.
Advertising is the act of promoting another website through CPP in this case. If you randomly post links to other sites that are not either (1) a search engine, such as Yahoo and Google, or (2) Youtube, that is considered advertising. However, you may advertise in your signature, which appears at the bottom of each of your posts, which is separated from a post by a horizontal line.

3. No flaming.
Flaming is the act of expressing a feeling of dislike. Online, flaming is expressed through using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS or using too many exclamation marks. Please be careful about what you say because you will be penalized if you flame. Being disrespectful to users is a form of flaming. So, please be respectful to all users, new and old. This rule applies to posts, PMs, and both chatrooms.

4. No inappropriate content/pictures.
[size=12]Do not link to any site or have a picture or post a comment that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive.

5. No bribing/asking for a position in the staff.
If you bribe or ask for a position in the staff, you will (1) get an infraction(s) and (2) convince us not to consider you for a moderator/administrator.

6. On-the-Spot Rules.
The staff has the right to make rules on the spot if need be. They do not need to specifically be in these rules. Also, the administrators will be making sure that moderators and other administrators do not make rules that are unfair. If they do, they will be penalized for their actions.

Posts : 23
Studs : 11467
Join date : 2010-06-05
Location : Nottingham, England

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Forum Rules Empty Re: Forum Rules

Post by -JaMMiT- Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:28 am


Posts : 23
Studs : 11467
Join date : 2010-06-05
Location : Nottingham, England

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